Monday, November 15, 2010

"The rains are a'coming, ah-ha, ah-ha!!"

What's that saying, "It never rains but it pours"??
Got home this afternoon and the gutters were a-wash, the paddock running rivers and the dams overflowing. Must have been a major cloudburst. I was blissfully unaware, at work.
The horses were enjoying it!! No wonder they're proving to be unphased by the water jumps on cross-country courses.
Maybellene took the opportunity to take a bath, whilst the others perused the scene with interest.
They all had a splash around, later on in the eveining, in the overflow of the dam in the back paddock. Then lots of laps of the paddocks to get warm and dry again!!
Maybellene has a very fine coat and is really bugged by the ...BUGS!!...of course, so I think she's decided a mudpack might allay the itches!!
Good thinking!!!


  1. Yeah we got dumped on too. I was at work and came home to wet horses, in wet rugs, puddles and mud. It didn't even rain at work and until I drove to town to pick up Ben I wouldn't have been aware of it elsewhere. I only work 20 minutes up the road!

  2. Wow! That's a lot of water! Of course Maybelline took advantage of the water!
