Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Timely Master Dentist

Two super pieces of timing!!
Contacted Horse dentist Joe Raines to check whether he was in the country to Tee up teeth checks for Harry and Victor before sending them off to work.
He's in the country till this weekend, then heading Overseas, and is coming back down the New England Highway, past myplace, the next day (Today!)
Next: It starts rainiing overnight and showers and gale-force winds are forecast all day. I head off to work in pouring rain and ...pray! By late morning the clouds have lifted and I arrive home at midday to find horses racing around the paddocks in a raging wind, enjoying a break in the rain.
I separate the horses; the wind dies off; the horses stop running; Joe drives in the front gate; the rain clears out!!

Next question: how familiar are these guys with a dentist?

Couldn't ask for a better outcome! Victor first, assuming at 10 years old he's more experienced. Very trusting of both me and Joe. No problem with sedative needle. Probably hasn't had any experience of rotary buzz rasps in his mouth, but Joe takes his time acclimatising him to all his gear..and removes 2 wolf teeth and takes edges off all round to 'balance the mouth."
Then we leave Victor quietly recovering from the effects of the sedative whilst we bring youngster, Harry, 'up to the plate' alongside.
Again accepts the sedative needle without hassle and trusts Joe with all his machinations. He has a not-yet-5-year old mouth, with a couple of budding wolf teeth yet to erupt, but he, like Victor, copes with the buzzing, grating and rasping with widening eyes rolling for reassurance.

What more could one ask! Well mannered Saddlebreds with beautiful teeth!
And I'm now assured they can go back into work with Jeremy with no teeth issues which might affect their work on the bit.

It's always great to catch up with Joe. As a master dentist, he loves his work, and horses, and spends 3 months each year overseas, updating his qualifications and teaching and learning, initially on the East coast of the US, and more recently in Holland. He's met many breeds of horses and has worked with many Saddlebreds in the States, where the Dentist is usually called in to work alongside a Horse Veterinarian, so he has some fascinating experiences to share!
I first met him when he was taking care of Rocco's teeth, so he has a good memory of teeth and character similarities with my more recent Rocco (and Paeon) relatives.

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